Onderzoek in Ikazia - Chirurgie - Vles
Publicaties chirurg dhr. dr. W.J. Vles
- The fate of research abstracts submitted to a national surgical conference: a cross-sectional study to assess scientific impact.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles
Am J. Surg. 2016 Jan 211(1) 166-71. - Hospital costs of colorectal cancer surgery for the oldest old: A Dutch population-based study.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles (Dutch Value Based Healthcare Study Group)
J Surg Oncol. 2016 Dec;114(8):1009-1015. - Randomized clinical trial of observation versus antibiotic treatment for a episode of CT-proven uncomplicated acute diverticulitis.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles (Dutch Diverticular Disease (3D) Collaborative Study Group)
Br J Surg. 2017 Jan;104(1):52-61 - Completeness of pathology reports in stage II cancer.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. VLes
Acta Chir Belg. 2017 Jun; 117(3): 181-187 - Anastomotic Leakage and Chronic Presacral Sinus Formation After Low Anterior Resection: Results From a Large Corss-sectional Study.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles ( Dutch Snapshot Research Group)
Ann Surg. 2017 Nov;266(5):870-877. - The Influence of hospital volume on long-term oncological outcome after rectal cancer surgery.
-een van de auteurs W.J. Vles (Dutch Snapshot Research Group)
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2017 Dec;32(12):1741-1747. - Nationwide comprehensive gastro-intestinal cancer cohorts: the 3P initiative.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles
Acta Oncol. 2018 Feb;57(2):195-202 - Confirmation of a metastasis-specific microRNA signature in primary Colon cancer.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles ( MATCH study group)
Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 5242 (2018) - Impact of low skeletal muscle mass and density on short and longterm Outcome after resection of stage I-II colorectal cancer.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2018 Sep;44(9):1354-1360 - Circulating tumor DNA guided adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II colon cancer (MEDOC CrEATE): study protocol for a trial within a cohort study.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles ( PLCRC-MEDOCC group)
BMC cancer. 2020 Aug 20;20(1):790. - Presentatie RISAS studie voor het SABCS
-een van de auteurs chirurg W.J. Vles
(dec 2020) - Huidige behandeling van sinus pilonidalis in Nederland: een landelijke enquête onder chirurgen en chirurgen in opleiding.
-een van de auteurs: chirurg W.J. Vles
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